London, United Kingdom

Hammersmith and Fulham Foodbank (HFFB) was set up in 2012 to help address food poverty in Hammersmith and Fulham. Our foodbank is an independent charity and part of The Trussell Trust’s network of over 1,400 foodbanks, working to tackle food poverty and hunger in our local communities and across the UK. Consequently, the primary objective of HFFB is the prevention or relief of poverty in the London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham in particular, but not exclusively, 1) by the provision of emergency food parcels to individuals in need and/or other organisations working to prevent or relieve poverty; and  2) by providing practical advice and support to individuals, either directly or by referral, to approved partner agencies thereby enabling them to find lasting relief from financial hardship. We are currently providing food for around 2,500 clients per month - we run eight sessions a week from four locations around the borough, plus a Client Support Hub space, which is open four days a week. In addition to food, we provide a range of essential services for people who need help in our community - we know that by the time someone comes to the Foodbank, there may be wider issues needing support, so we also offer professional advice through our partners at Citizens Advice H&F and Green Doctors Energy Advice. Plus we offer free talking therapies, run an art class, and issue Fuelbank Foundation vouchers and Alexandra Rose fruit and veg vouchers.


Hammersmith & Fulham Foodbank is looking for 3 trustees to join its existing board (currently 7 trustees), to start immediately upon appointment. All applications are welcome, but specific priority will be given to applicants with expertise in fundraising and grant applications, with finance/audit experience and to applicants with strong local knowledge and contacts/connections in the borough, whether governmental or church-based. We support an inclusive and diverse organisational culture, and we warmly welcome applications from people of all backgrounds and experiences; we particularly encourage individuals from under-represented groups to apply. We believe that diversity of thought, experience, and identity strengthens our organisation and enables us to achieve greater impact together. Previous experience as a trustee is not necessary and a full induction will be given, plus mentoring if required.


Term: You will join for a four year term which can be extended for another four years if agreed by the board of trustees.


Remuneration: The role of trustee is not remunerated.


Location: London, Hammersmith and Fulham. Applications are particularly welcomed from people who live or work in or close to the borough.


Time commitment:  Approximately 4 board meetings per year – early evening – plus membership of one committee (3-4 meetings per year). We aim to hold board meetings in person, and committee meetings are usually held virtually. Trustees are also expected to give occasional informal support to the organisation by attending volunteer events, and observing the work of the organisation first hand at foodbank sessions and supermarket collections.


Overview of the role: The role involves acting as a charity trustee, setting the strategic direction of the foodbank, overseeing the work of the CEO and management team, and ensuring the Foodbank’s activities meet its charitable purpose, as well as operating solvently and complying with its legal, regulatory and governance responsibilities.


Trustees are required to comply with the governing documents, charity law requirements and other laws that might apply. They must act in the charity’s best interest, including deciding what will best enable the charity to carry out its purpose, as well as making balanced informed decisions to support the management team to achieve the vision/objects of the food bank and to ensure there is a positive relationship between the trustee board, food bank staff, volunteers, funders and donors and any other stakeholders.


Key tasks



  • Working as part of a board to set an overall direction and long-term strategy for the food bank with clear objectives which can be monitored and adapted
  • Managing the charity’s resources responsibly, including ensure the charity’s assets are used only to carry out its purpose, avoid undue risk and not over-commit the charity
  • Ensuring appropriate financial plans are in place for future budget allocations as well as ensuring that the charity is accountable, actively complying with statutory accounting and reporting requirements and the law
  • Ensuring the food bank has appropriate procedures to: comply with current legislation and good practice; including employment, health and safety, equal opportunities, safeguarding & GDPR compliance/data protection etc
  • Acting with reasonable care and skill, giving your time, thought and energy to your role
  • Serving as an additional promoter of the food bank in the community and acting as an ambassador for HFFB, promoting HFFB as necessary to a wider audience of beneficiaries, volunteers and potential funders.


Additional responsibilities for Fundraising and Finance roles:

  • To work alongside the Treasurer and the rest of the board to plan what level of funds are required to be generated to ensure the effective running of the charity
  • To work alongside the trustee board to ensure that all grants are sought and written with the purpose of meeting the charity’s vision and objectives
  • To oversee, with operational management support, the writing of high-quality grant applications that are in line with the charity’s vision and objectives
  • To regularly communicate to the rest of the trustee board via trustee meetings or any other communication any relevant information and/or developments regarding fund raising or grant applications
  • For the finance role, previous experience or an ability in financial accounting and reporting procedures is required, plus the ability to communicate financial information to those who may have little or no financial background. 


Impact of your role:

By being part of the trustee board, you are part of providing a vital holistic support function in your local community, ensuring a dignified experience to anyone visiting or anyone who comes into contact with Hammersmith & Fulham Foodbank.


Support: A full trustee induction scheme is in place to support the successful candidates within their role, as well as access to initial and on-going trustee training. New trustees may request a peer mentor, if this would be helpful.


How to apply: For more information about Hammersmith & Fulham Foodbank please see https://hammersmithfulham.foodbank.org.uk. For more information about the role please contact info@hammersmithfulham.foodbank.org.uk.   

To apply please submit a copy of your CV and a short covering letter detailing your interest and suitability for the role of Trustee. 

Please submit your application by 31st December 2024.